Molecular Biophysics

Molecular biophysics is concerned with how molecules physically move and interact in the world, using multiple branches of science to explain behavior. To be a biophysicist, one must draw upon skills from the fields of math, biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science.

During my PhD, I realized I could dramatically improve the efficiency of my work by writing short computer programs to perform analysis and create figures. This section is composed of a collection of some of those scripts, mainly in Python. They involve a spectrum of biophysical analysis, including structure, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, and kinetics. In each section, I will walk through the analysis and explain coding operations. Most of these sections will contain details on how to generate high quality figures for publication using Matplotlib.

Make sure to continue to check back frequently, as I'll be creating github repos for each project to more broadly distribute the code and make it more usable. If you would like code for any of these sections before the repos are active, please contact me and I'll send you them directly. Enjoy!